The country would probably overwhelmingly prefer a Trump/RFK Jr. coalition government
But things don't work that way in the USA
If one looks at any polling the two candidates that will most disrupt the status quo would, together, handily defeat Joe Biden. Trump may be able to beat Biden, and perhaps decisively, but if the people who like Trump and the people who like RFK Jr. got together that would be a powerful populist force.
The Dems have been afraid that RFK Jr. would/will prove a spoiler for them. But recent polling shows that RFK Jr. could also potentially be a spoiler for Trump. This is a very interesting situation. Really, the Trump people and the RFK people reflect where the country overwhelmingly is currently. A coalition, if we had another form of government, and we are not suggesting that we should have one, would have probably facilitated one already.
Trump is Trump. He has transformed the Republican Party into a party that appeals much more to “working class” voters of all ethnicities than the GOP of the past. Trump also appeals to (non-working class) conservatives who, even though they look at Trump with some trepidation on economic matters (Trump is no small government guy), are willing to back him because they want to stop the bleeding of the Biden years.
RFK Jr. represents, and we get the irony here, the “sane” moderate/middle. In a time when Biden and the Democratic Party feel utterly captured by the pretty hard left, when the Biden administration has embraced draconian policies (during Covid particularly) that probably violated the Constitution, and then also censored people in what appears to us to be a CLEAR VIOLATION of the First Amendment, many of the sane, middle of the road, maybe slightly left of center folks just can’t stomach more Biden. But these folks, at least many of them, are not so keen on Trump either. (Even if they might secretly like the havoc Trump has wrought on the establishment.)
Put together a coalition of these two camps, and we are not suggesting RFK Jr. run with Trump as veep or anything like that, and the country changes and likely would reflect policy-wise something much closer to the actual will of the people than we have had for a very long time.
Again, ain’t gonna happen. But wouldn’t it would be entertaining to watch happen? The talking heads would flip out.
Also RFK Jr. should be in the debates.