Over the Next 3 Years AI Will Rock the World
"The AI you're using today? It's the the worst it will ever be." (And it's pretty darn good now.)
As Elon Musk and company raise holy hell all over Washington and the people who have long enjoyed what they thought were completely protected and insulated jobs in the bowels of DC, and at USAID (what a crony disaster that place is) in particular come to grips with the new American political order, all I can say is buckle up.
Everyone buckle up.
The upheaval we see in government and in what is “the state” is only the beginning.
Many of the people who are being removed from government work (who thought that day would ever come?) right now will likely be replaced at least in part by AI.
Artificial Intelligence (in our reasonably informed lay level of understanding) can probably do almost ALL the mid-level on down jobs in government. There was immense fat in government before AI came on the scene. Now? Most government jobs probably have almost no reason for being.
And I hate to say it, this goes for much of the private sector too.
Watch the attached video from “Julia McCoy”. In it she explains that the AI revolution (and it is a full on revolution) is not coming. It’s here now. She believes that the way the economy will look at the end of this year will be very different from what it looks like on February 6 as I write this. (Because of the exponential evolution of AI.)
The headline of the video should be taken with a grain of salt, not everyone is “terrified”. But a very serious level of change is ramping up. What it all means for us is an open question.
For some reason I feel compelled to include the following song. Give it a listen if you don’t know it.
Burn like a slave
Churn like a cog
We are caged in simulations
Algorithms evolve
Push us aside and render us obsolete